Get Your Smile Ready for Summer with Professional Teeth Whitening

Get Your Smile Ready for Summer with Professional Teeth Whitening

There’s no better or faster way to brighten your smile than by choosing a professional dental office whitening treatment. Dental office solutions are many times stronger than consumer products, which require a large margin of safety for use by people with no training. 

There’s also no better time than now to prepare your smile for summer. Beach season is always a time to shine, and adding that whitening sparkle boosts your self-confidence and the first impression you make on others. 

Clyde Lee, DDS, Julie Lee, DDS, and our expert team at Lee Dental in Frisco, Texas, proudly offer Zoom2 whitening systems for our patients. We’re teeth whitening specialists, trained and experienced in the use of professional-strength bleaching products, and the Zoom! system is a proven winner, including home care products that extend the life of your whitening treatment. 

Get your smile ready for summer

Those who’ve had professional whitening in the past know the effective and fast way that treatment can take an ordinary smile and push it over the top, giving you shades of whiteness far beyond your tooth enamel’s regular color. 

Here’s what you need to know about dental office whitening and the powerful way it can transform your smile. 

The in-office experience

The Zoom! system uses a whitening gel that includes hydrogen peroxide, a powerful bleaching agent, to banish stains from your teeth in a 45-minute process performed in our dental treatment rooms. The gel receives a further boost in the form of an LED activator light which speeds the whitening process. In each Zoom! session, you’ll receive three applications of whitening gel before receiving a final gel coating that protects your tooth enamel. 

At-home follow-up

While Zoom! Brightens your smile, and your teeth remain susceptible to future stains. Dark foods like blueberries and tomato sauce and beverages like coffee and wine can hasten the reappearance of dull teeth. 

For that reason, Zoom! also provides a kit for home use to extend the life of your whitening treatment. While results vary between patients, your whitening session could last 12 months or even longer. Whitening now for this summer may also last you through next year as well. 

You work hard to keep your teeth in great shape. Call on Lee Dental to help you make the most of your smile. Book a whitening session online or by calling our office directly. One session is all it takes to brighten your teeth up to eight shades whiter. Schedule your appointment today. 

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