Blog Archive

5 Reasons Why Routine Dental Care is Crucial For Children Feb 13th, 2025

In February each year, we recognize National Children’s Dental Health Month, an event designed to emphasize the importance of oral care, beginning with the first emergence of baby teeth, usually within the first year of life.  At Lee Dental in Frisco, Texas, children’s dental health is a daily focus. Dr....

New Year, New Start Protecting Your Smile: The Advantages of Preventive Dentistry Jan 17th, 2025

The new year is often a time for a new start, and many resolutions revolve around self-improvement. At Lee Dental in Frisco, Texas, Dr. Clyde Lee and Dr. Julie Lee want you to consider renewing your commitment to an effective preventive dentistry program.  By staying ahead of your dental issues,...

What to Look for As Your Child's Adult Teeth Come In Dec 16th, 2024

The 20 teeth that emerge by the time your child turns three begin to fall out around the time your child is six, making way for their permanent adult teeth. This process is called eruption, and it typically continues until your child’s late teens.  At Lee Dental in Frisco, Texas,...

Tips for Getting Your Teen Through a Wisdom Tooth Extraction Nov 7th, 2024

The third set of molars, commonly called wisdom teeth, usually appear on X-rays during adolescence. Around the end of high school and into college age, these extra teeth have the potential to cause trouble in the form of pain, swelling, gum disease, and cavities.  At Lee Dental, in Frisco, Texas,...

14 Dangers of Mouth Breathing and What to Do About It Oct 18th, 2024

There are times when breathing through your mouth is necessary, such as when your nasal passages are congested or when overexertion has you catching your breath. However, chronic mouth breathing is a potential health risk in a wide range of ways.  At Lee Dental in Frisco, Texas, we take habitual...

Does Your Child Have a Tongue Tie? Sep 11th, 2024

When the small piece of tissue (frenulum) underneath your child’s tongue is too short or too tight and restricts movement, your child may have a condition called tongue-tie.  While this may seem like a minor issue, it can significantly impact your child’s oral health, diet, and speech development.  Early recognition...

Symptoms of Impacted Wisdom Teeth Aug 15th, 2024

Wisdom teeth are the last to erupt from your gums and usually grow during your late teens or early twenties. When they come in straight, wisdom teeth seldom cause problems. However, they’re often vying for space, which leads to wisdom teeth that: Have trouble erupting  Come in at an angle...

Is Sleep Apnea Dangerous? Jul 16th, 2024

If you feel like you’re sleeping through the night, but you’re waking up tired and staying fatigued throughout the day, you may be suffering from a sleep disorder called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the most common sleep condition. Left untreated, OSA leads to a host of health problems. You may...

Are You Brushing and Flossing Properly? Jun 14th, 2024

t’s no secret that regular brushing and flossing is crucial to maintain a healthy smile. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that you brush twice per day, and floss at least daily to prevent cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues. While we generally learn how to take care...

Get Your Smile Ready for Summer with Professional Teeth Whitening May 9th, 2024

There’s no better or faster way to brighten your smile than by choosing a professional dental office whitening treatment. Dental office solutions are many times stronger than consumer products, which require a large margin of safety for use by people with no training.  There’s also no better time than now...

Why You Shouldn't Ignore a Missing Tooth Apr 1st, 2024

A full set of adult teeth totals 32, yet the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) reports that the average count for American adults between the ages of 20 and 64 is 25.5 teeth per person.  True, dentists can remove some teeth deliberately, such as wisdom teeth or...

How to Take Care of Your Temporary Dental Crown Mar 13th, 2024

The traditional and time-honored porcelain crown is still the standard of care when it comes to reinforcing a compromised tooth. Every permanent crown is custom made, though there’s sometimes a gap in time between preparing the natural tooth and the manufacture of the crown.  During the waiting period, you’re fitted...

Telltale Signs of an Impacted Tooth Feb 1st, 2024

By definition, a tooth is impacted when it doesn’t break through the gum as it normally should. It’s common with wisdom teeth, but it can happen to others as well, particularly if your mouth is overcrowded.  Impacted teeth may not cause problems, but sometimes they’ll ache or hurt, and their...

5 Surprising Benefits of Professional Dental Cleanings Jan 11th, 2024

No matter how diligent you are with oral care, you can’t maintain a healthy mouth without regular dental cleanings. Brushing and flossing alone can’t prevent the slow buildup of plaque and tartar between teeth and along the gumline. These buildups are the leading cause of gum disease.  Preventing gum disease...

Could I Have A Tongue-Tie? Dec 1st, 2023

Underneath your tongue, there’s a piece of flesh that attaches the tongue to the bottom of the mouth. It’s called the lingual frenulum. As with many parts of the body, the lingual frenulum varies in size and shape between individuals.  Usually, this tissue is thin, attaching to the tongue at...

The Best and Worst Foods for Your Child's Teeth Nov 16th, 2023

Eating for good oral health is important for your child for two reasons. Their growing bodies need a wide range of nutrient-rich foods to serve as the building blocks for growth and tissue health. At the same time, choosing the right diet keeps conditions inside their mouth decay-neutral. Loading up...

Give Your Crowns a Long Life with These At-Home Care Tips Oct 2nd, 2023

A shaped cap of porcelain or other material that fits over broken, decayed, or weak teeth, a dental crown is a long-lasting restoration that preserves your natural tooth. As well as adding strength to the tooth, a crown restores its shape and appearance. The material used for the crown can...

What's Your Chronic Bad Breath Trying to Tell You? Sep 1st, 2023

If one of our professionals at Lee Dental in Frisco, Texas, tells you that you have halitosis, there’s no need for embarrassment. They’re letting you know that you may have an oral care issue that needs exploring.  Your mouth is home to many strains of bacteria. Some of these feed...

Do I Have to Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed? Aug 2nd, 2023

When adult teeth erupt, pushing baby teeth out of the way, most people are under 10 years of age. You go through your teen years with eight molars, two at both ends of the upper and lower arches. A third set of molars begin to emerge closer to your 20th...

The Importance of Dental Cleanings Jul 5th, 2023

When you’re in a good cycle of dental health, it may seem like your regular dental checkups are always pending, you get great results with no cavities, a dental cleaning, and an appointment card for your next visit. Is this six-month cycle really necessary? With a diligent home care routine, are...

I Have a Severe Toothache: What Should I Do? Jun 1st, 2023

Toothaches occur for a wide range of reasons, from injury to tooth decay. When the pain is severe, it’s hard to focus on anything except your tooth. Relieving some of the pain can help you function until you can find dental care.  In Frisco, Texas, contact Lee Dental at the first sign of...

My Child Is Afraid of the Dentist: How Can I Help? May 2nd, 2023

Many people are uneasy about trips to the dentist. For some though, it’s a truly anxious experience, and children aren’t immune to fear of the dentist. In fact, as many as 16% of school age children are afraid of dental visits.  At Lee Dental in Frisco, Texas, we are experienced...

4 Reasons a Tooth Requires Extraction Apr 10th, 2023

Fewer than half of American adults have all their natural teeth, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), not counting wisdom teeth. The flip side of that means that more than 50% of those between the ages of 20 and 64 have lost one or more of their permanent...

Am I a Candidate for Veneers? Mar 3rd, 2023

It’s hard to underestimate the power of a great smile. It’s your calling card to the world and often the first thing people notice about you. However, few of us have all the attributes needed for our own version of the Hollywood smile.  For most, a few minor issues often...

Brighten Your Smile With a Professional Teeth Whitening Treatment Feb 9th, 2023

As every child reaching for a crayon knows, teeth are white, right? In fact, they’re not, typically leaning to the gray and yellow side even before you consider the effects of foods like blueberries and beverages like red wine and coffee. Even the aging process nudges the color of your...

4 Ways to Prevent Oral Health Problems Jan 4th, 2023

Oral health problems are conditions typically brought on by poor oral hygiene. You can usually prevent them by adopting good oral hygiene habits.  Maintaining good oral health also helps you sustain good overall health, as your oral health affects your general health and well-being. Brushing and flossing your teeth regularly...

Top 4 Reasons To Schedule Wisdom Teeth Removal In The Summer Jun 13th, 2019

Top 4 Reasons To Schedule Wisdom Teeth Removal In The Summer   1.  No Missed Classes Removing your child from school means missed school work, especially if your child is away for school.  Scheduling wisdom teeth removal on their summer break will allow them to stay on track and focus...

Are You Suffering From Snoring or Sleep Apnea? May 15th, 2019

Obstructive sleep apnea has been known to be a silent killer because most people are not even aware they are suffering from the disorder.  With a simple sleep study and the help from your doctor and dentist, we may be able to help you with an oral sleep device.  What...

Our Top 3 Gifts for Mother's Day! May 8th, 2019

Mother's Day is around the corner and we have listed our top 3 gifts that will keep her smiling!   #1  Zoom Whitening She will be grinning from ear to ear with this gift!  The only professional whitening treatment to reveal her whitest smile in just one 45-minute office visit.  It is...

It's More Than Just A Teeth Cleaning Feb 4th, 2019

We understand oral health is more than just having your teeth cleaned.  When you attend your six month check-up, we perform a complete oral health assessment.  At this visit we take x-rays, complete an oral cancer screening, a periodontal screening and a teeth cleaning.  Much like going to the doctor...